At home in (every) destination
Sustainability is at the center!
A kihívások hasonlóak, de minden turisztikai desztináció más, s akkor tud versenyképes lenni, ha az egyediségeket hangsúlyozni is tudja, vonzóvá, vonzóbbá tudja tenni, mint más desztinációk. Cégünk munkatársai két évtizedes gyakorlati tapasztalattal segítik a turisztikai térségeket és attrakciókat ezeknek az egyediségeknek a beazonosításában, bemutatásában, vonzóvá tételében, nemzetközi jó gyakorlatokat átültetve és olyan élménycsomagokat állítva össze, amely vonzóvá teszi az adott térséget akár a hazai, akár a külföldi vendégek számára.
Our team does not dream up developments from their desks - all our projects are preceded by serious primary research, market research and many, many on-site consultations and field trips in order to offer the best solutions for the given area.
Financial, social and environmental sustainability are at the center of our company's development principles, which is why we prepare a business plan based on real numbers for all our developments and prioritize energy-saving, environmentally friendly solutions when defining the equipment used.
As the Hungarian representative of Green Destinations, we keep all international sustainability aspects in mind when planning our projects.
What we do
Market research
Our company helps its partners to make appropriate professional decisions with primary research and trend monitoring. We specialize in providing our partners with all the information necessary for professional decisions, based on primary research, which we support with more than two decades of first-hand experience.
Strategic planning, creating strategies
Destinations, attractions, tour operators and accommodations need to know where they are going and how to get there. Whatever you need to plan, be it a city, a rural destination or an attraction, with the involvement of our partners, we compile their tourism development, regional development, destination development or sustainability strategy based on the most primary information.
Cultural and heritage tourism development
Concept, feasibility study, development and implementation of complex programs
Attraction development from concept to operation
Concept creation, project development, participation in implementation, development of visitor management and sales program, monitoring
Tourism marketing
MDesign and production of the product range of museum and gift shops Continuation of individual marketing campaigns Design and development of websites and mobile applications
Continuation of individual marketing campaigns
Design and development of websites and mobile applications
IT solutions, tourist cards
Tourism quality assurance
Complex tourism product development
There are many things to see in the town, but the guests complain that they don't know what to do? Few guest nights and low average length of stay? We help you find solutions to problems!
Education, trainings
The managers of our company are professionals who have also gained experience as university lecturers and are happy to share their expertise with others. In our trainings, workshops, and webinars, we always try to present novelties based on the latest trends, highlighting the proposed solutions to the problems that would hinder the progress of the given destination.
Local product programs
Over the past years, our team has participated in the development of several local product strategies and the implementation of local product programs. We are also the manager of the Novohrad-Nógrád UNESCO Global Geopark's GEOfood local product program, and support UNESCO's IGCP726 project with our research.
Jó gyakorlatok desztinációra szabása
Bevált turizmus menedzsment gyakorlatok, desztinációra szabva
Általunk kidolgozott, már jó gyakorlattá vált programokkal segítjük a hozzánk forduló desztinációkat. Nincs két ugyanolyan eset, a jó gyakorlatok keretrendszerét minden esetben desztinációra szabva ültetjük át.
Ez azt jelenti, hogy elsőként felmérjük a desztinációt, és csak utána dolgozzuk ki, – az érintett felek bevonásával – hogyan lehet átültetni a jó gyakorlatot. Ez által nincsenek CTRL+C – CTRL+V megoldások!